December 30th, 2010 by Mike Weibel
Well, it’s that time of year again when we all take stock of the past year, where we are today, and what we’d like to change or improve for next year.
I know there’s a tendency to scoff at that, because we so frequently fail to attain our New Years resolutions, [read more]
Posted in Failure, Tips
April 17th, 2010 by Mike Weibel
Anyone who wants to achieve a personal goal is in one of the following phases of the process of making that change in their life:
Feeling frustrated or dissatisfied with the way things are (weight, career, relationships, etc)
Deciding on a solution that will satisfy the problem (lose weight, change careers, work [read more]
Posted in Failure, Tips
February 7th, 2010 by Mike Weibel
We know that a critical part of achieving a goal is to take regular action each and every day to move closer to it. Making time for those activities generally requires that we make some sacrifices.
The following is my list of the top 5 sacrifices that, [read more]
August 28th, 2009 by Mike Weibel
This is a big learning point for me and just one example, but it’s verrrry typical, so thought I’d share it here.
I recently posted an job on eLance looking for someone to research a topic for me, for a speech I’m going to give. I get several interesting [read more]