
Welcome to Achieving Personal Goals! That you’ve come this far makes me think that you’re probably at least a little bit like me, that you have a desire to try to improve yourself by setting and achieving goals. Well, that’s exactly why I created this website.

Most of us have set goals before and failed to achieve them (can you say “New Years resolution”?). But failing to reach a goal certainly doesn’t mean we quit trying to achieve them.

What it does mean is that you’ve learned it’s not always easy, and that you should be smart about how you pursue goals. You should look for the best information, tools and resources you can find to help you be more successful in your efforts. We all want the time and energy we invest in something to be rewarded!

So that’s the motivation behind AchievingPersonalGoals.com – to try to be a solid, reliable resource to help you achieve your personal goals. For a little of my background, click here.

What you’ll find here:

  • The best information I’ve been able to find on the subject of achieving your goals, plus
  • The latest science and research about what makes the achievement of goals more likely
  • Resources including forms, processes, tracking software, Cd’s, motivation aids, etc. and
  • Every worthwhile tip, trick or shortcut I know of and put them all together to form Achieving Personal Goals.

Pursuit of achievement can make life such a fun adventure – the opportunity to grow, to improve,to change our experience, open new doors and reach for new horizons. I hope you’ll find something on this website that helps you achieve your personal goals.