Great Video

We each learn best in different ways. For some of us, it’s reading. For others, it’s listening. My preference is watching video of speakers (or in person) as they deliver the information I want to learn.

Thanks to the wonders of YouTube, we can get some great starter information for free.

The pages in this Video section are presentations by those teachers and leaders that I believe are the best in the business. Not a day goes by that I don’t listen to a recording or read part of a book written by one of these guys.

They’ve done all the hard work of summarizing and presenting these great principles, ideas and processes. All we have to do is listen and learn, and I get the benefit of a lifetime of knowledge and research. What a deal!

Before you jump down to my list of the best in the business (below), I want to share a 15 minute video that could truly change your life or the life of someone you know. It’s a clip of Steve Jobs’ commencement address at the University of Stanford in 2005. It’s not exactly a goal setting speech, but it’s simply great and I even heard a guest on the Charlie Rose show recently call it the “Gettysburg Address” of commencement addresses, and he’s right. I’ve included it here.

Linked from this page off the main menu are video clips of these great speakers. I hope you will take a few minutes to watch them. It will be some of the best time you spend today.

Jim Rohn

Brian Tracy

Zig Ziglar

Jack Canfield